Wednesday, July 30, 2003

She lives

Boy, I have been way out of it. I have not had any desire to write. Can't explain it, just didn't feel like it.

I am still unemployed. It's actually ok though. I am living in Marin with my mom, I live less than a block from my sister and her kids, and I am feeling pretty relaxed. I would love to be back in the grind, but for now I am satisfied that I am safe and welcome.

I have been struggling the last few days. Mt ex (the one I was with for 7 years) has really gone out of his way to be a jerk. My mom received her Masters in Psychology last month and my sister, moms best-friend and I threw her a big party. I talked to my ex every day for a week prior to the party, made plans for him to surprise her and got him a ride here. We even talked the night before, kidding about sneaking off to make out (heh), but when the time came for him to meet his ride he was a no show. I called, his ride called, he ignored the calls. Since then I have called him a few times, feeling worried about his well-being, but he ignores me. I am really unsure what happened. It is like he was joking about wanting to be friends; about being a part of my life, and the end of the joke is really painful. I wish I could just let it go, but I am stuck on how it is making me feel. Dumb boys.

I really need to get started on my exercise. My weight is coming off slowly but I want to see shape results NOW. I know I need to get active so I have decided to sign up for a three-day walk for Breast Cancer. We walk from San Jose to San Francisco...brutal. There is a training program so I am thinking of working with them to achieve my goal. My aunt lost her life last year to BC so it is really important to me to do this.

June 24th was my little sisters’ bday. She would have been 31. Crazy, I miss her like mad. Happy Birthday baby.

Saw Charlie’s Angels last night with a group of gals. It KICKED ASS. I had a great time. Was so pleased it didn't suck. Needed a little hot chick flick...heh.

OK, what else. Oh, I went off my meds about a month ago. It is cool. I am actually feeling surprisingly all right. I was afraid to let them go, but after 9 years…it was time.

I think that may be all for now. I am going to try to write at least once a week so I can keep checking in with me. Who else is gonna :)


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