Friday, April 28, 2017

River of Deceit

While I am very aware that I do not need to be dating at this time, I can't help but poke around on one dating site because I miss getting some attention. Truth. It feels good.

That being said, I have had the worst experiences. Here is my basic profile:

Let's get off on the right foot; if you voted for 45 swipe left because I already think you're an asshole...

Ex-punk rock girl all grown up. I drink and smoke. Tattoos and piercings but still very presentable to the folks. 5-9 so I like 'em tall. Beard fetish.

Non-vanilla. If you don't know what that means you should swipe left.

Nothing too scandalous and pretty to the point. 

I have received 40+ messages in a week. 80% are from people who want to tell me what a libtard-snowflake I am and how I should kill myself for my left-wing political views. I kid you not. The kicker is that when I go view their profiles, EVERY-LAST-ONE of them are under 5' 8". I am starting to think that it isn't really my 45 comment but that I have insulted the vertically challenged...


Thursday, April 27, 2017

You Tell Me

I have boundary issues. I can think them up, decide to set them, put them out to the universe or whatever and then...who can stick to these things?

Obviously, there are personal boundaries I will never give up on and when someone sets a boundary with me, I will respect it but when I set one? So frustrating. I stay awake some nights figuratively banging my head against the wall trying to understand my inability to hold onto my well laid-out plan of self-care and emotional protection. I know others struggle with this issue. I know I am not alone in my fucked inconsistency. I want to understand why humans torture themselves with what would seem like the simple action of "nope, not doing this lame thing anymore because it hurts me and my ability to have a healthy mind and spirit so, nope."  

What drives us to be so emotionally masochistic? As a teenager, angst and pain were a tool to write maudlin love songs and display how Sylvia Plath-like we thought we were. As an adult, it isn't even a good diet technique. Do I have to spray paint the words on my wall so I can remind myself every day that I set boundaries for my own benefit? Do I get a tattoo in screaming lettering - BOUNDARIES - across my forehead and lift my bangs in the morning to ensure I am on course? There has to be an easier (and less painful) way to get my head and heart working in sync. 

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Doll Parts

Have you ever felt like a shiny new doll? They are so excited when they first get you. They play with you all the time; brush your hair, change your clothes, cuddle and sleep with you at night. Then one day they get a new doll. They place you on the shelf with all the other previous toys and move on. You gather dust, your hair becomes matted, your clothing starts to fade. Cracks begin on your porcelain face and hands. You become invisible. Something once dearly loved but now forgotten. 

But you never forget what it felt like to be adored. The thrill of the attention. The look on their face when they first see you. How they made you feel like the most special and unique thing they have ever held. 

It's all pretend my friends. Until you take yourself off the shelf, then things get real.

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

How Big, How Blue, How Beautiful

I made my decision today to go for my booster on Saturday. Making that decision brought me an immediate sense of peace. I know that KIT works. I know that the infusions bring me clarity, energy, and relief. I am looking forward to the awareness and comfort of feeling even more deeply grounded. 

I will always have triggers (I hate that word but it works) that can trip me up and send me in a downward direction emotionally. I am working with my amazing therapist on life changes and healthy emotional responses but I have 47 years of habits ingrained in me that will take some time to shift and having KIT to help me as I move through this process is life changing. 

To those still wondering, suffering, questioning...I believe there is a way to a happier life. Don't lose hope. We are in this together.

Monday, April 24, 2017

Strange Mercy

A few days downtime. Been a little rough since I made contact with my ex (brief and kind) which lead to a bit of a reclusive weekend. I know my triggers and try to avoid them but occasionally I fall down.

I am considering a KIT booster. It has been over a month since my 6th infusion and, while I still feel above water, I don't want to sink. My advocate maintains monthly treatments and it seems as though that helps keep her life balanced. I have read that many people do monthly infusions for the first three to six months post initial treatment and then move on to once a quarter or so. Some never top off and others keep a regular schedule. I am willing to test the waters on what will work best for me; it might be once a month, it might be less. As long as I continue to move forward I will do whatever it takes. 

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Anger Is An Energy

Sometimes I am just an asshole.  

There are no take backs when you lash out at someone. It causes pain to both people and brings no relief. When I feel hurt, my emotional 15 year old rears its head and I don't stop to think about the overall impact of what I am doing. This isn't the path I want to walk. I needed to let sleeping dogs lay and continue to work on the person I want to be. I have a fresh start, a new lease on my adult life, and wasting it on short-sided anger and foot stomping feels lousy. 

I apologized but some words will always outweigh others.

The Night We Met

I have this crazy sixth sense of knowing when someone is going to reach out. Usually, it happens when I am falling asleep at night and the thought will pop into my mind, "you will wake up to a message from (fill in the blank) in the morning." Or "So and so will call you tomorrow." Nine times out of ten that is exactly what happens. 

Last night the thought came and went as I was nodding off. This morning I had two emails, same person, two different email accounts (the fourth time he has emailed me in a month). The content of (all) the emails was insignificant, I am guessing he was feeling guilty about how he handled the end of our situation and this is his attempt to transform himself into the "good guy" to soothe himself. Fuck that. 

Honestly, I am trying to sit here all zen and chill but I am fucking angry and hurt. I am sick of these narcissistic, emotionally regressed, entitled little boys who think they can walk all over people and get away with it. The emotional and physical abuse this guy dishes out to the world is inexcusable. 

I sat on my fingers as long as I could. Today I finally replied to his email and, while I held back, the venom flowed through my words. Do I feel better or worse? I don't know. At the moment all I feel is done. 

Monday, April 17, 2017


Yesterday I had my first flirtation with feeling depressed. Not like before, nothing close. 

I had hoped to take my new book to the botanical gardens to read in the sun. It was dreary in SF so a little drive about town was all I got. I felt lonely and isolated. 

I am learning to live with this type of sadness. Living things get sad, lonely, scared, tired, grumpy. All natural emotions that are safe to feel. Having come out of my deepest depression ever, especially via KIT, I am afraid that a single tear means I am 5150 bound and that somehow the infusions were a temporary reprieve from my darkness. Then I stop and really check in with my head, heart and body. This sadness is unable to break me. My loneliness, I can reach out to 10 people right now and find wonderful company. Scared, tired, grumpy? I can manage. I have the tools. I don't have to fall down the rabbit hole. My depression doesn't own me anymore. I have promised myself I will do whatever it takes to ensure it never does again. 

Daily lessons in Standard Human Emotions 101 (aka - Emotions for Dummies). 


Friday, April 14, 2017

Every Breath You Take

I admit I am a former cyberstalker. If I wanted to know something about someone, I would dig and dig on the interwebs for any tiny bit of information available. If I was really interested in that someone, I would Google them on a daily basis, sometimes twice (ok ten) times a day. I haven't done that in a while. I realized I was making myself feel sick and anxious, especially post break up. 

I asked my "ex" to block me on social media, their phone and on email. Kooky? Yes, but I knew it was hard for me not to poke around. Case in point - today, while I was updating my LinkedIn I noticed a certain position from a certain company had been on my page in invisible mode. I only know one person in this field from this company and he is my "ex". This poked my stalker brain to open one of his social media pages that he had blocked me on months ago and BAM - guess who is no longer blocked? This girl! 

One second of staring before I closed the page and felt...curious. I didn't have a meltdown. I am not sad or anxious or dying to reach out and reconnect. I am simply wondering why? 

The curiosity is gone, the cat lives on. 

Thursday, April 13, 2017

President Gas

The most depressing thing left in my life at this point is politics and the state of the world. No matter how hard I try, I can't turn off the news. It's the trainwreck you can't look away from. The car accident you slow down for to get a look even when you know it is likely gruesome. Which, let's face it, is the perfect word for the state of affairs; gruesome.

Chechnya, Syria, Russia, Trump, trade war, real war, the end of the ACA...the list is endless. I am not trying to drag anyone down but this is fucking happening and people are still getting behind #45 and his cronies. I can't understand how we are marching the streets daily and trying to impeach the entire top tier of the government. How they are behaving and the way they are pushing us into a potentially deadly corner is, in my opinion, the worst time I have ever seen in our political history. It is true that we made it through the Cold War and the Cuban Missile Crisis but remember, while you might not have liked who was in office during those times, at least they had political experience and a basic understanding of how government works. Trump got a history lesson from Xi on North Korea. Our "leader" doesn't even have a 10th-grade education in world history. It's mind boggling. 

I want to think it will get better. I have to believe that people will wake up and realize that coal isn't going to be the next big thing and kicking immigrants out of the country won't make the U.S. a safer place to live. If we don't start to enforce that these fools work for us then we are going to die in the beds we made. 

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Pictures Of You

It has been over a month since I boarded the plane in Vegas, a complete shell of a person, sobbing into my shredded napkin and hoping the plane would crash (fucked up for my fellow travelers, I know.) Today is exactly four weeks since I had my first KIT. I have not cried, much less sobbed for 4 hours without a definable reason. I have been sleeping deeply and waking up feeling refreshed. I even sat through Sedar dinner without a single sip of wine. Major accomplishment for a girl who loves her wine.

Today in therapy we discussed what now? It is the first time in my adult life that I have been depression free. I am not entangled with any man, I am choosing not to drink alcohol, do any drugs or drink caffeine after noon (I play a little loose with the last one). I don't have a drinking/drugging issue, I am choosing to keep my mind and body free of any chemicals so I can continue to check in with myself and my progress. I do struggle in the man department so finally being free of any toxic dating feels empowering. However, the "what now" is lingering with me. I haven't really thought about my future because, so often, I didn't know if I would have one. Now, aside from my natural expiration date, I finally feel like I do. 

I have a blank canvas that I need to start painting. Five-year plan? Is that what normal people do? Shorter or longer? Change my career (unlikely) or my location? Start martial arts, quit smoking (again, unlikely) adopt a puppy? I don't know yet, but I do know it feels brilliant to know that the options are almost limitless and I will no longer be in my way.

Saturday, April 08, 2017

Sour Girl

I have severed all ties to any of the men I was dating prior to KIT. I realized that even though I cared for them, they either fed into my depression, my insecurities or my bad habits. I needed to move on to grow. I will miss them, each in his own way taught me something about myself I might not have learned otherwise and despite the relationships being unhealthy, I am grateful for the positive times I spent with them. 

I am putting a hold on dating. I need this time to heal. I need to really love myself before I can offer something real to anyone else. I have a lot to offer and I want to be able to share everything with a clear heart and mind.

Thursday, April 06, 2017

Saint Cecilia

An additional plus to feeling so much better is being able to plan activities I feared I wouldn't be able to manage this year:

April 20th - Banks
May 17th - Blue October
May 26th - 28th - Bottlerock
June 8th - Muse and 30 Seconds to Mars (NOLA - June 3rd - 9th)
July 21st - July 23rd - Leadership Camp (CO - July 20th - 25th)
August 11th - 13th - Outside Lands
September 8th - 15th - Duck, NC
October 10th - Depeche Mode
October 27th - October 29th - VooDoo Festival (NOLA- October 21st - November 4th) 

I am sure I will find more music to fill in any gaps but so far, this year is going to be heavenly. 


Wednesday, April 05, 2017

But, Honestly

Today I reached a minor milestone - three weeks no contact with my latest ex. That may seem like a silly thing to check off on your calendar but to me, it shows progress. It is very difficult for me to severe ties with people I love, even if they are highly toxic. Not a day has gone by that he hasn't invaded my head in some way but it no longer leaves me feeling unloved. During one of my KIT sessions I recall my brain telling me that I was not abandoned, I set myself free. I repeat that daily; I am free.


Tuesday, April 04, 2017

One Thing Leads To Another

Things I have learned since the completion of my KIT:

  • Just because my depression and anxiety are greatly diminished this does not mean I am "over"  shit. I still have plenty of old wounds to heal.
  • Napping does not equal depression. It means I am sleepy and should feel ok snoozing on a Saturday afternoon if my body needs it.
  • Yes, every song on the radio can be applied to almost any ex. Overlapping is common.
  • Almost everyone has an opinion on KIT and they all seem to want to share it.
  • The sugar cravings might not be related to treatment. I might just need more protein.
  • I still resent cleaning the cat box. 

Monday, April 03, 2017

I Only Want You To See My Favorite Part Of Me

and not my ugly side...

I feel like I have been in hiding for so many years. Two or three different KS's. Each person in my life helping me decide who to present in their presence. Do they need me to be smiling, funny, goofy? Is today a day they need the empath in me to be ultra-available? Tonight will they look for kinky, sexual, easy? I know I am made up of all of these traits (and many, many more) but the exercise of trying to show up in form has become impossible. 

This is no one's fault but my own. I can be insecure, fragile, needy. I crave being liked and have broken myself in two to be loved. I am your basic, slightly broken human being who is, at 47, relearning her way through this world. 


ps - I am not that easy

Saturday, April 01, 2017

Where Crying Isn't Secret, It's The Art of How We Grieve

Today is one week since I completed my treatments. To be honest, I have fallen asleep each night afraid of waking up to find it was a temporary "fix". Imaging I would roll over in the morning with a deep ache in my heart and a tied up stomach. That hasn't been the case. Each morning has felt great. Granted, I didn't turn into a "morning" person, I still hit my snooze button a dozen times, but once I shake off the fog of a great nights sleep I feel solid. I feel wonderful.

I haven't cried since March 14th. Don't take that the wrong way, I think crying is a healthy, healing process that is perfectly normal. However, I wasn't just crying; I was sobbing uncontrollably, for no reason, for hours on end. I had no trigger, or warning, or understanding of why it was happening. It would just come on whenever it felt like it and leave me curled up in a ball with an obnoxious headache. It wasn't comforting. It didn't relieve me of any pain, and I knew it would happen again and again. I just never knew when. 

To be free of my pain and anxiety makes every day worth getting out of bed. It doesn't matter if I haven't been able to make a million social calls; I feel a little like a foal, trying to get my legs to work after being born. That might sound a little (or a lot) silly but it's accurate. I am slowing learning what life is like without major depression. What it feels like to enjoy just being in my skin. As I move forward, I hope to find a woman who enjoys running amok with my family and friends. Who seeks out new adventures and rebuilds relationships with those who have always been there for me but have had to stand a bit aside feeling helpless to make things better for me. To those who didn't give up on me, thank you. I am forever grateful for your love and support.
