Friday, January 07, 2005

Sins, sins and more sins

OK, to start...I have gained weight since I quit smoking (I use the word quit lightly). It is bothering me despite the fact that I knew it would happen. I am now back OP with WW and it will take a few months to get the weight off but it will happen damn it. I won’t disclose how much I weigh or what I gained but it is way more than I thought it would be and I am done. That being said I will give only positive updates from here on out.

Now, why do I use the word "quit" lightly? Because I cheat. That's right, I am a cheater. One here, one there...they add up. Since I know it is purely emotional I need to figure this out. My BF is nothing but supportive here (except when I cheat and walk by him and he says "ewwww, you stink".) I hate the habit; it smells bad, tastes bad and feels bad. So why am I doing the cheating thing? I just have no other answer except I have done it for 23 years and old habits are a bitch to break. I will keep on it though, it is important to me not to return to the pack a day walking cancer victim.

The holidays, awww the holidays. They ROCKED. From Thanksgiving through New Years I loved them all. I am a spoiled Princess (you all know that though) and on top of all the wonderful things bestowed upon me I got to visit with everyone I love over the 6 week period. Plus I had a 10 days vacation with my BF! We were both able to take some time off work, visit with friends and family and generally relax and enjoy. It was awesome, especially seeing BOTH his kids. That was the best.

I generally think New Years Resolutions are BS cause no one I know every stick with them so I am not going to commit here (I did see one blog resolution – 5 in ’05 which I thought was inspiring and witty and I wish her much success!) but I will say this:

I am resolved to be a kinder and gentler person this year. I will respect and love those around me and I will give out to the world what I wish to receive in return.

Oh and I resolve to call my Best Friend more often too!



Anonymous said...

Hm...we'll see about that!

prncskm said...

See about what?