Friday, March 11, 2005

What a Waste

Some people, well, they just aren't nice. That is me being polite. What I really want to say may be just too brutal. I can not understand people's greediness, the need to be hurtful, and the unbelievable ability some people have to be selfish. People who think only of themselves and ways they can fuck others over make me feel so sad. Pity is lame, and yet it is what I feel for some (well really just one).

Lately I have been loosely involved with a pretty nasty situation. The hard part, for me anyway, is that I can't stop trying to figure out a way to make it all better. See, it is in my nature to TRY. It is killing me that all I can do is throw money at it. I want to be more helpful, more resourceful, and more proactive. But I made a promise to beware of toe-stepping and not to rough anybody up. I don’t make promises lightly.

So I do what I can. I know that the situation will be resolved and good will triumph over evil (it HAS to). The evil will pay and I will secretly do my white hat dance, most likely in nothing but the hat.

Most times life feels wonderful. Some days, life is challenging. How do you balance all that comes your way? Take on today, leave tomorrow alone and resolve that yesterday is done. I am not always good at this, but I keep trying.


PS - I miss my Best Friend!

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