Sunday, May 22, 2005

Some Things are Better Left Unsaid

I just don't feel that way today. Things have been left unsaid too long. It pains me sometimes how cruel people can be. How selfish and rude. I make sure that I am gentle and kind with people, it is how I was raised.

My dad and step-mom are attorneys, fighting for people who have been wronged. My mom is a therapist, working with children who have insane parents, passing their insanity on to their children, making them miserable and frightened. My mom tries to see that the damage is minimized, if not erased. She has raised me to be strong, to stand up for myself, to fight for what I believe in. She also taught me to work hard, get paid a ridiculous amount of money and be sure to sock some away for things that "come up". And so I have.

I have money. It is my money that I will use to set things right. My sister works for one of the top family law attorneys in California. She has been a wonderful support for us. She let's us know what we should be asking for and what not to settle for. She is fond of telling me not to settle for anyone's bullshit. So I won't. No more bullies, not more insanity, free ride is over.

I love who I am, I love who I share my life with. I find myself angry at times that people I love have brought their ugly baggage into my serene life, but they have also brought so much love and joy that it has all been worth it. I would not trade a moment with my love or his family to be free of the sickness the baggage contained. Not one moment.

I don't hold onto anger, I let it go, it isn't good for me. So I think about all the amazing things I have in my life and it soothes me:

I have a family that is always there for me
I have a partner who loves me, cares for me and makes me laugh all day long
I have a job I love going to that pays me a wonderful salary and just gave me a specialty award ($2500) for being an exceptional employee
I have an extended family who constantly remind me of how loving I am
I have a new car (god I love my Audi)
I have a new motorcycle (well I gave it to my partner but I get to ride it)
I have my health, my sanity and my best friends Pea and Mary, who keep me healthy and sane

I have it all, so what is left to say?

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