Tuesday, June 14, 2005


My mom and I watched Fahrenheit last night. This is a truly fascinating piece of work by Michael Moore. Many people are not comfortable with the way that Michael presents material but I am always impressed with how deeply he researches any subject he is interested in.

Now granted, Michael is anti-Bush to the nth degree. But then again, so am I. However, even if you believe in Bush and his politics I think this film will at least make you question what has happened in this country for the last five years. I was taken aback at how convoluted and deceitful the Bush history is. The money involved, the players, the lies.

Be warned friends, if you are squeamish or have a hard time seeing children die, this film may be too difficult for you to watch. The reality is in the film though, and I thought the least I could do was watch it without covering my eyes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have not seen this movie and still want to. Colleen and Mike saw it and have expressed feeling much like yourself. I have a couple people close to me that are Bush fans so I'm not sure what I will think....time to see it
I called you on Sun.. hmmm did you have a busy weekend? Miss ya, love you... Sandy