Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Welcome One and All (well almost all)

We picked up Andrew at the airport last night. It is always so nice to see his smiling face. He is such a love! When we got home Andrew immediately called my nephew and invited him over to play XBox. Austin showed up with PJ's, thereby letting us know he was sleeping over. My sister lives 30 seconds from us so Andrew will spend his days hanging out with my sisters kids and his nights with us.

Before the airport we hit Piedmont to visit with my best friend Pea. We couldn't stay long but I got to hug her for a long time which always makes me feel so good. She looks wonderful. She is here for two weeks and is coming over tonight to spend the night with me. I am very excited that we can stay up late into the night and talk. God I miss her being here all the time.

We have made plans to take Andrew, Austin, Thia and all the adults to the Ren Faire this weekend. My BIL works the dunk tank and my littlest nephew will be there too, working I bet. Child labor, gotta love it :)

D and I will be heading to WI for his youngest brothers wedding in mid-August. I am really looking forward to it. His whole family will be there with us to celebrate Dan and Megan's nuptials. Yesterday I sent a gift to Megan's families house for her bridal shower. It would be so fun to attend but I just can't fly out twice. I also sent them their wedding gift. I like to get these things done early because D and I are so busy at times we let things slip through the cracks. I truly hope they like them both. I believe we will be staying in the same hotel with D's grandparents and his brother. That should be fun. Grandma Berry told me on my last visit that she and I need to lunch alone for some one-on-one time. I will try to make that happen on this trip but if we run out of time I will MAKE it happen when I go to SD in December!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Will you please give my grandson a big hug from me. I know he is thrilled to be there. Colleen is back in town, she and I spent the day together yesterday. Hi to all.