Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Aging (un)Gracefully

Tomorrow is my birthday. I will be 36. Thirty-six. Three dozen years old (as my lovely BF likes to point out). Undoubtedly the alternatives to growing older are not comforting but when the hell did I get to be 36 (ummm tomorrow)?

I swear I was 26 yesterday, right Pea? I am not even sure how one loses 10 years, but if anyone can, it would be me. So much has happened in what should have been a very long time but now just feels like a blink of an eye. I think I might be tired.

The one thing I keep thinking is that I will now be on the down slope to 40. I was all settled into my MID-thirties and here I am on the other side, running the short race to a party strewn with "Over the Hill" paraphernalia.

Here is the positive side to it all:

When I turn 40 my best friend will be in crisis turning 35; we can run off to a Caribbean Island in search of the fountain of youth.

No one goes gray in my family (loss of hair is another story).

I have shunned the sun so perhaps my skin will stay youthful. That or I will die of a Vitamin D deficiency.

I am in love with a man who will always be older than me. Thank the gawds he likes younger women.

There is always a silver lining.

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