Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Off She Goes (like she wasn't already a little "off" to begin with)

I am heading to New Orleans (via Texas) in a few hours. Lyn and I have decided to blog twice a day while we are there so we set up a site just for our trip:

Whore Tour

Enjoy the reading kids.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Kim, Good to see you are looking forward to your vacation. I saw th "Whore Tour" when looking at your blog this a.m.. I know I'm in a generation that views things different that you young ladies .... but can you explain this one to me? I thought Gia's vulgar expressions were due to her age and lack of lifes experiences. I now see two mature women following that trend. I'm not judging, I love my Kim too much to do that, but fill me in on the motivation here. I always thought talking like this make you look ... well like LESS .... is that no so any more?