Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Teach Me to do Laundry at My Parents House

So my new place has laundry in the garage. Coin-Op laundry. I have been spoiled over the last four years by having a washer/dryer in my home and now I find I will actually wear a pair of pants more than once before putting them in the dirty just to keep the hamper from encroaching on the ceiling.

That being said I waited nearly three weeks before I was forced into a corner when I ran out of clean white socks. Normally, a girl like me would just go shopping but I decided a trip to my dad and step-mom's for dinner was in order. So while there, why not do the college student thing and wash a load (or three). I did my whites first (needed those socks), then my darks and then colors. At about 8 PM it was apparent that the dryer wasn't going to comply with my time-table. My step-mom told me she would fold it all for me (the color load included a ton of underwear and towels, PJ's and my favorite jeans) and I could pick it the next day. She was nice enough to bag it and place it in the garage so I could grab it whenever.

Whenever became a week and two days later and I called her tonight on my way home to tell her that after my groceries were delivered I would be by to grab my clothes. A sudden silence met me on the other end of the phone. Then a gasp:

"Um Kim, didn't you grab your clothes earlier this week?"

"No mom or I wouldn't be calling to tell you I was on my way"

"Oh dear, I think the cleaning ladies, well, I think they gave your clothes away."

"Excuse me?"

"Well I had several bags of clothing and other things going to Goodwill and I think they must have grabbed your bag by mistake and, well, there aren't any bags in the garage."


"Not a one. I am sick about this."

"I know how you feel."

"Well, get over here, I have new towels for you and I will write you a check for your clothes."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, get over here now. I am just sick about this."


It took me an hour, but I plowed through the $350 like it was nothing. New jeans, new pants, new undies, new sweater, new shirts. A totally unexpected shopping spree I had been itching for but avoiding since I am going on vacation at the end of the month.

Although I am sad about my loss I am very pleased with my new items. So the question becomes; do I continue to do laundry at the parents’ house or do I just send it out to the cleaners? I love having my laundry done for me, but what if next time she accidentally shrinks everything; maybe I can get the Porsche.

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