Saturday, January 06, 2007

And She is (a)Live

Let me get the niceties out of the way:

Happy Hanukkah
Merry Christmas
Happy New Year

There, I have been good. Now on to whatever the hellI feel like rambling about. Let me start with Comcast.

Every month I pay nearly $200 so that I can watch any channel on the planet, have a house phone no one will ever call cause I have been mobile for 6 years, but have to have so people can gain entry into my house, and finally, so that I can connect to the internet faster than you. However for the past month I have had to piggyback off of a neighbor to view my internet porn because something went awry with my internet connection. Some light wasn't blinking. Some wire wasn't connected, some THING wasn't working. Only I didn't really know this cause I was connected, sorta. I had access here and there thanks to Joe Smith who lives on my block. I spent over an hour on the phone with a Comcast monkey who had to put me on hold a dozen times to ask him superior which plug I should pull next. We did everything he could think of, although I had told him I had done it all before and was politely asking him just to send a person out to do my bidding. Finally I got an appointment. The tech came out, unplugged everything at once, pulled the battery and BAM, I have my internet back. Two minutes. He decided not to charge me, which was nice, because really, the monkey should have had me power cycle the damn thing in the first place. No wonder people are so mean to Customer Support. If I didn't have the best CS team ever I would think that companies only employ primates to answer customer calls.

My best friend, Carmelinda and her man Alex got engaged while visiting me over the holidays. Alex was very romantic about the whole thing. He proposed on one knee, under the Golden Gate Bridge. Carmen was so nervous she kept trying to get down there with him. She just didn't know what to make of the whole thing. When he opened the box with her ring inside, she jumped up and down like the 12 year old that she is. Now I have another wedding to plan (says me, that's who).

I took the last week of December off on holiday. I spent the first half with friends and family celebrating and really enjoying myself, and the second half flat on my back because I enjoyed myself to the point of throwing my back out. Oh yeah, New Years Eve in bed, on vicodin, watching Lost. Does life get anymore exciting? I shouldn't complain; on New Years day everyone else was so hungover they could barely move. I, on the other hand, could actually walk again. Just in time to return to work.

The week before I went on vacation a handful of people I work with threw me a thank you lunch at 21st Amendment. About 15 or so people. As usual we drank and ate too much. Our lunch turned into an all afternoon party. Sometime in the middle I was presented with a gift from the crew; $500 in Amex Gift Cards. I was floored. They packed it inside a copy of The Devil Wears Prada DVD, which was inside a hand-knit stocking made by my friend Soph. (Thank you lady). The idea behind the DVD was that I had been bitching about these beauuuuutiful Prada boots I wanted and they wanted me to buy them so I would shut up. Just dear god, close your trap and buy them already! So I did. They arrive, I drool, I strip my feet, I go to put them on and, FUCK, they are so narrow I lose all feeling in my toes within 4 minutes. Just long enough to trapse through the office, a six foot, 4 inch amazon babe, and show them off. Then right back in the box. They are now awaiting a trip to Ebay. Sigh. I guess I can't have it all.

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