Sunday, April 22, 2007

Out of Sight...

It is funny how you think you might not survive certain events in your life. How a situation may break your heart to the point of never feeling again. How a moment may leave you a shell of who you used to be. This actually never happens to me.

What I find happens, more often than not, is that I become a stronger person for the things in life that cause me to pause. I do tend to curl up and spend some time lingering in the emotions of it all but I always come out the other side feeling like I have accomplished something real.

I have spent the last year or so trying to figure out a
strange relationship that has had me in a bit of a tailspin. I don't want to get into detail here but suffice to say it has finally found an end and I have mixed feelings on the matter. Some days I am pleased that we realized it wasn't right for us and other days, well, they suck.

After spending 12 years in very broken relationships I think I learned a little about cutting your losses. Some may say a year is a long time, but with this man, it was merely a blink. Every minute was wonderful, even the hard times. I will forever be thankful that he came into my life to make me laugh, hold my hand when I was sad and remind me daily that I am worth it all.

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