Sunday, March 05, 2006

A Dingo Ate My Baby

I am slowly recovering from my shenanigans of last night. I went to bed at 4:30 AM this morning, woke up at 11 and did the pretend walk of shame back to my car.

I went to the Dingo's birthday party last night with Kris, Pavlos and Paulie. We arrived early to lend a hand. Kris dressed as a Serpent Priestess, Paul and Pav in the usual Hawaiian garb and me dressed in a somewhat scandalous outfit. Since I don't own luau gear I decided to go decked out in fetish gear. Let me tell you, I was as close to naked in public as I ever get. Yes, there are pictures; frightening proof that I have no shame.

The party was held in a fetish house but the only play room was way in the back so that most of us could avoid anything that made us uncomfortable. I popped my head in a few times, let my jaw hit the floor and then giggled my way back to the main party. I felt like I was 12 and had never witnessed groups of people having sex in public. I have many times, but I never could contain my child-like reaction.

The house was beautiful. Very ornate and lush. The hosts were so very courteous and the guests were all genuinely friendly. I met a lot of new people, mostly men chasing me around the flat telling me I was hot. That in itself made it well worth getting into a comfort zone with my choice (or lack thereof) of clothing. It was very flattering and it has been a long time since I have had that kind of attention. It always amazes me what a little makeup and a black push-up bra does to the male species.

We drank Margarita's and Hurricane's from a slushy machine, we watched a hula dance and a pole dance, we ate amazing food and even limboed. The fact that I was in 5 inch boots meant I could not even get close to getting under that staff but it was fun to watch everyone else hustle it.

Paulie and I left at 2:30 and headed to Little Orphan Andy's for chow. Paulie really wanted to see me walk around in public in my outfit; the fact that we chose to eat in a gayborhood means NO ONE cared, but he was still amused. We got back to his house around 4 AM and we both crawled into bed to pass out. We ended up talking till about 4:30 and then the snores ensued.

And that pretend walk of shame I mentioned? That was me dressed in sweats, Paulie's flip flops and my sunglasses - carrying my boots and bra in one hand and my purse in another. I am sure his neighbors think he got lucky; who am I to let them down?

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