Friday, March 03, 2006

Fear and Loathing

Since I have moved into my new digs I seem to get twice as much work done. However, since I was moved into my new position I have 10 times more work than before. You do the math; it isn't adding up. I love my job. I love the people I work with. I am on the verge of a major melt down. Besides, people keep jumping into my office from the hallway to scare me, I think they secretly trying to kill me

I sat in my office last night at 6 PM, looked around at the mess called my desk and just started to cry. My gods, with all that is going on in my personal and professional life can anyone blame me? Big ol' crocodile tears. It was messy. Once I pulled myself together I drove home, my best-friend in my ear the whole way. She always knows how to cheer me.

There is a strong probability that Pea and I (with a few others) will be heading back to Costa Rica this summer. I can not tell you how that makes me feel. Well I can actually; like a million dollars wrapped in bacon. Doesn't that say it all?

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