Friday, December 27, 2013

Black Laundry in Bed

Dear Criminals,

In all of thirty seconds, just enough time for me to take my folded towels to the bathroom, the three of you managed to destroy an entire load of freshly washed black clothing.  

Yes, it was my fault that I placed that yummy, warm, completely clean laundry on my bed to fold.  Yes, I turned my back for a moment to put a few things away.  And yes, it is my fault I washed a load of black clothing, knowing how much you love watching me walk out of the house covered in your fur.  But did ALL three of you have to plot against me?  Did you need to burrow deep into the pile to ensure every single piece of clothing was covered in your hairballs?  There are not enough lint brushes in the world to rid me of your evil-doing...

With a lack of respect,

Your quarter-less human

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