Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Not to be Censored

I took some time to read old posts.  I am a drama queen.  We all know it.  That being said I will not censor my writing for fear that someone out there might not like what I have to say.  This is my place to spew and spout whatever I feel like and I am happy to do it to anyone or no one (we shall see if anyone even reads this thing anymore.)

It has been a very hard few years.  I ended a long, tumultuous relationship. I changed jobs.  I left a lot of people behind and I am trying to reconnect with the world.  I never thought heartbreak could actually bring me to my knees but it did and it took a long time to learn to stand again.  

So now I need to walk, if not run, though my crazy life.  I am working on my self-worth; my understanding of my value in this world.  I am a daughter, a sister, an aunt, a friend, a lover, and, maybe most importantly, a godmother.  I have people who love me and stand by my side, even when I feel like crawling though my day.  I greatly appreciate everyone who has been there for me even when they don't understand me.  

So to anyone out there who might be reading, I love you and thank you for being a part of my wacky life.


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