Sunday, December 15, 2002

Alls Well That Ends Well

So we are in, sorta. The place is a mess. We have no kitchen, no bathroom sink, and our fridge is in the dining room...we will survive, but I sure wish they would hustle.

My ex came over today. It is the first time I have seen him in seven months. He came over to help take care of me, I have a bad fever, but we ended up, ummm, fooling around a bit. Not the smartest thing I have ever done, but it was nice. I do miss him. He is still lovely, sexy, funny, and pretty damn hot. We should be focusing on our friendship, but the chemistry is intense.

I took Carmen to the airport on Saturday morning at 5:00 AM. We went to bed at 2:30, got up at 4:15, I am a wreck. I think it is why I am so sick. I was already walking the recovery line, I blew it. I was supposed to see Peter Gabriel tonight, my fever kept me in bed instead. Lame, I was really excited about that show.

I have to go back to Oakland tomorrow to clear out any sign that we were ever there. I don't feel well and I don't want to do it, just being honest, I have no desire to drive over, load up my car and clean the house, then drive back and put it all away. I just wanna be done and focusing on the new place. Gotta be an adult I suppose, but sometimes it sucks.


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