Tuesday, December 10, 2002

Movin' on up

Tomorrow is the big day. Lura and I will be moving back to San Francisco first thing in the morning. It has been six years since I moved to the East Bay, I think I am ready to be in SF again. Let's hope I am right.

Our phone and DSL will not be installed until 12/13 so it will be a few days. My cell is always a good way to reach me, so feel free to call. Just remember, if you call and you are local, you may be asked to come help...heh.

I have been working through alot of things lately. Trying to clean up a mess I made, trying to let people know I love them and am here for them, but it is really hard. I know I can only do so much but I never feel like it is enough. Maybe it is just me and I need to relax a little, but thats' not the feeling I get.

Recently I found out that someone I love lied to me. It hurt me quite a bit to find out about this persons dishonesty, but it also made me think. I trusted this person without fail. I believed in this persons integrity, and they were not true. I need to be careful with whom I put my trust in. People will say almost anything to avoid conflict, even something that is untrue. So I have decided that, for the meantime, I will not put myself out there to be lied to. If you have been dishonest with me once, I am sure you will do it again, so why bother.

I don't mean to sound bitter, I am just tired of doing everything for everyone else and not being true to myself. Things have got to change, and it starts with me.


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