Saturday, December 03, 2005

God this Feels Good

I am still in bed. It is one PM and I am in my PJ's, watching movies, blogging, posting pics, and drinking coffee. I am so happy. Yes, I am lazy today, but seeing as how I worked a 50 hour week and went to the dojo three days in a row I am feeling OK about being lazy.

D and I only practiced one day together this week. I love being in the dojo with him, but he was too tired on Thursday night to join me, and I so understand that feeling. He practiced yoga on Wednesday while I hit the dojo again. By Thursday we were both pretty wrecked, but I managed to drag myself to weapons class anyway. It is my favorite night to practice because I find it very satisfying to be able to disarm a person holding a tanto.

Since I am new to Aikido I move more carefully, but my Sensei says that I have a natural sense for Aikido, a wonderful compliment coming from him, and very inspiring since I am struggling so with my rolls. Rolling seems to be a common issue for new Aikidoka. We are all pretty awkward in the beginning. Some people don't roll for a year, others get it pretty quick, I think I will fall in somewhere in the middle. My backwards rolls are better than my forward ones, but I keep trying. I work on my falls whenever I can. Falling can be hard on your body, especially falling over, and over, and over, and over...which I do. As an uke it is your job to take the falls so your nage. Of course, when I am nage it is the black belts turn to fall, which I like better, but it is a good way to learn when you are the uke.

I think the hardest part in class are the throw-downs. This is when you are on your back, holding your classmates ankle, raising your legs up straight only to have your classmate try to slam them back down to the ground. On Tuesday we did 100, on Wednesday we did 60, and Sensei was kind to us on Thursday and we only did 50. I was sure I was going to die, really. The coolest thing is that because I kept at it, I am actually not sore today. My muscles feel solid but not sore, I feel great

I will be spending the rest of my day being domestic. I have a ton of presents to wrap, we have finished with D's family already, 90% of my family and have a few friends to finish up with. We spoiled the kids, as usual, and D and I already gave Sandy and Frank their gift (a new computer) and have equally splurged on my mom, but she has to wait until December for hers. She will be screaming.

I finally posted our Thanksgiving pics. D transferred them to my computer for me (cause he is like that) and now I can link you to all the cuteness that was our
holiday weekend. You might be shocked to see that most of the pics are of Jen...heh. She is so photogenic. Her dad just can't stop, he reminds me of my dad, who will never put the camera down when I am around him. They are so cute!

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend, I know I will!


Magnorfis said...


Rowdy Dowdy's said...

Man I sure am glad you would be covering me in the dark. Chicks who kik ass are HOT. I cant wait to see you again.