Friday, December 23, 2005

She NEVER Ceases to Impress Me!

My mom is amazing. After eight years in school she recently passed her MFT exams and became a licensed therapist. She is brilliant. She fretted for weeks, but we ALL knew she would pass. She has never failed at anything. She is a wonderful mother and a fantastic grandma. When I think about my mother it makes my heart swell with love and pride. Anyone who meets her falls for her instantly. I can not say enough about this incredible women.

She has inspired me to be a better person with every day I know her. I don't think my mom even knows how much people respect and admire her. I try to remind her everyday (she is my roommate. You try living with your mom and see if you still feel like I do after 3 years!)

Growing up my mom was the one constant in my life. She sometimes feels like she could have been a better mother, but as my best friend reminds me, she made me who I am and that is someone who is special and knows she is loved, so really mom, what more could I have asked for?

I love you mom and thanks for making me.


Anonymous said...

Kim your words (feelings ) about your mom warms my heart. The photo of you and your sister with her is pretty good too. love Mom2

Rowdy Dowdy's said...

beautiful women inside and out you guys have it all, brawn and brains.