Tuesday, December 20, 2005

I Almost Cried

I don't think I have ever been happier with a job in my life. I love the people who work here and I am guessing they love me too...

This morning I arrived to a large envelope on my desk. Inside were 4 smaller envelopes. The first was a card signed by about 40 of my 65 employees. It was signed by all of the staff - director level and below - with the exception of the two founders and one VP (the one I was flirting with at the party). They were thanking me for all my hard work this past year. Then I opened the next envelope, a $25 gift card to Starbucks, then the next, a $25 gift card to Borders, then the last, a $150 gift card to Nordstroms! I almost fell over.

Turns out an email went out last week asking employees to chip in and make my holidays special. How sweet is that. Just shows that when you give of yourself people notice and appreciate. I do love this crew!

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