Thursday, January 16, 2003

I suck at this!

I have a hard time keeping this thing up. I am really busy, crazy, tired, sick, and apparently, full of complaints. This week has been a rough one. Working things out with friends, having my ex have a birthday that I can not be included in, no job, no sex, no DSL in my bedroom. God I sound pathetic. Let me try to bring this one up.

I received a call on a job. I will be calling them in the AM to find out the details. It is great to hear from people and know that my resume is being read. I will fill you in on the details later.

Tomorrow I go get my eyes checked. I am gonna look at new frames. I love the ones I wear now, but I also love change so we will see what I come up with.

My home is coming along. I think the guys will be done within another week. Most of the work is complete and I have finally been able to unpack most of the boxes. I figure there is another few days of work and I will have completed the cosmetic things around here. It is looking great. I had five women over last night for dinner and games. How cool is that? We all were able to be in the kitchen at the same time, cooking together and making fun and generally being silly. It was really great. We played Rummicube until 11 and then I sent everyone home. We have decided that we will have a slumber party once Lura and I are settled and walk over to Trader Sam's for scorpions. Drunken times ahead.

My roommate is in love. It is so sweet. I never see her anymore but that’s ok, I understand how new love is. He will finally be staying the weekend with us (she is usually at his house in Vacaville) so all of the girls will get to meet him. Hopefully they will all play nice and not scare him away...Hopefully.

Speaking of love...I am finally beginning to understand how this works. You fall in love with whomever you fall in love with. Even if they do not fall in love with you, that wont stop your heart. It makes up its own mind, and you are stuck with it. So today I am at Mary's watching TV while her and Carmen study for the GRE's and Mary has some wedding show on. I am watching, listening to the couples all happy and in love, and I start crying. Silly Princess. But I can't seem to help myself. I wonder if anyone will ever love me the way these couples love one another. It makes me sad that I always seem to fall harder than my partners, but maybe that’s just who I am and what it will be for me. I can't imagine anyone feeling like I do about them about me (I hope that made sense.) I suppose the thing to do now in my life is just focus on me, how to feel better, be stronger, and move forward.


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