Tuesday, January 28, 2003

Wireless Bitch

That’s right, I am wireless and functional. It took like ten of us online to make it work, and in the end, I fixed it all by myself, but it is working. It is everything they said it would be!

Things are really great for me. I thought that "cleaning house" would make me miserable, but I am so much happier. I wake up feeling happy; I fall asleep feeling happy. I feel free, I can't really explain it any better. I am no longer bound to someone who uses me. There is no one left in my life that takes advantage of me and it feels wonderful. Who knew that waking up to who someone really is (everyone told me but I couldn't see it for myself) could be so amazing? There is only one down side, but I am figuring it out.

So it looks like I have a great contracting gig coming into play. A medical office needs an HR person to fix things up for them and they are willing to pay handsomely. How cool would that be? My mom and step-mom are talking about helping me set up my own consulting business. I know it is something I could do, something I would be great at, and I am all into it. I am working on the business plan this week.

Strega now takes it upon herself to sit on me while I try to type, silly girl. She bites and licks me, and meows her way into my heart, brat. She still fights with the rest of the clan but she is doing ok here, she is a tough broad.

All the kids seem to love it here. We (Lura and I) have decided that we are the 7 dwarves:

Kim: Sneezy (my allergies are making me crazy)
Lura: Sleepy (duh!)
Strega: Bashful (she lives only in my room, I have to take her to her food 2x a day)
Mallory: Happy (heh, he is ya know)
Max: Dopey (I think you all know)
Mickey: Doc (he gets sick all the time)
Kaliah: Grumpy (have you met her?)

Now all we need is Snow White, we are thinking a puppy?? Heh, like we need one more living thing in this house.

Speaking of, it is almost done. A few really minor details and our home is complete. I am thrilled. As soon as everything is put away I will take photos and post them. In case anyone wants to see them, which they prolly don't but too bad, heh.

Things are really going along well. I have been processing my decisions and changes with friends and family and everyone agrees that I am on the right path. Of course, I got a lot of "I told you so's", but that’s ok, they did so they can say it...


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