Thursday, February 13, 2003

Ah, Kettle Chips. The perfect side dish...for revenge!

Let me just say, when your roomie walks into your room, hands you a lovely glass of wine, and lights a cig for is sweet.

I am finally getting over whatever sickness I was struck with this week. I figure by tomorrow I will be all good. I was super careful not to do anything that would further my illness. I hate being sick.

I find I am struggling with letting go. It is interesting because I am usually pretty good at this, but lately I feel as though there is something in the way of me moving on. I really need to focus on this so I can get on with my life and stop sitting around wondering "what if". What if's are bad for you, they drain you and they keep you from growing. I am getting rid of the What If's if it kills me.

Another interesting note: A woman I have NO interest in having in my life reached out to me today. I don't get it. She was lousy to me, dishonest and manipulative, and yet she thinks I would want to know her. People are a trip. How they can not see how fucked up they are amazes me. I know most of my faults, I really have worked hard in therapy to work through them or learn to accept them, but I am constantly running into whack jobs who want to be a part of my life. That is not to say that I myself am not a whack job, it is just I don't feel the need to cuddle up with every other whack job I meet and impose my whackiness on them.

I figured out today I need to buy a SmartMedia card thingy to put the pictures on my laptop, thereby delivering them to you. People have been asking for updates (OK one person really) and I have 111 pictures on my digital camera just screaming to be somewhere else. I have tons of pictures from Christmas (both here and SD) and pictures from New Years and pictures of my new house. All of which I will be sharing by the end of the weekend, I swear.

OK, now that I am full of Matza Ball Soup (sing it with me, memories...) and good wine, I am gonna sleep.


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