Tuesday, February 11, 2003

Princess Ali

Damn. Boxing is hard core. I went to my class on Sunday, spent an hour punching the bag and jumping rope. I was so tired when I was done, but also full of adrenaline. After class I went to Mari's to hang out and chat. She is such a love, I really enjoy my time with her.

Had dinner at my dads Sunday night. A really nice time. Ate too much, laughed a lot, went home around 8. Then BAM. I was sick. I passed out around 10, woke the next morning at 10, fell back asleep at 11, woke up at 7 at night, fell back asleep by 9 or so and woke up this morning at 10. Not only did I have a fever but I had malaria nightmares all night (and day). I had so many dreams they all ran into each other and I can not even begin to get into them here. On top of it all, I was so sore I barely could raise my arms. I feel much better today.

Talked to my ex the other day. We are going to the museum on Thursday to see a Van Gough exhibit. I am really looking forward to spending time with him, it has been too long.


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