Friday, March 31, 2017

Faithfully Pursue The Policy of Truth

"Never again is what you swore the time before."

The last five days have been some of the easiest-going, peaceful days I have experienced in years. The dread and anxiety I used to wake up to every morning are gone. It has been replaced by a sense of serenity and calm. The sun actually made me smile. If you know me at all, you know I am a vampire who gleefully cheers when the sun sets. I am pretty in pale. Today I spent 30 minutes just sitting in the sun, soaking up my vitamin D (doctors orders, I suggest you try this too.)

I understand that this blog might be viewed as overshare and that some people in my life disapprove but as I stated on March 13th, I have never shied away from discussing or sharing my experiences with depression. This is a part of who I am. I have hidden it from so many people, affecting our relationships unintentionally with my omissions. I won't live that way anymore. 

It makes my heart ache to know that there are so many people living in darkness and fear. I want to reach out to as many people as I can and say there is hope. There is a treatment that is working for over 80% of the people who have tried EVERYTHING else unsuccessfully. Please, if you know someone, share my blog or tell them about KIT. I honestly believe it saved my life. Everyone deserves to live their lives free from madness.


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