Friday, April 14, 2017

Every Breath You Take

I admit I am a former cyberstalker. If I wanted to know something about someone, I would dig and dig on the interwebs for any tiny bit of information available. If I was really interested in that someone, I would Google them on a daily basis, sometimes twice (ok ten) times a day. I haven't done that in a while. I realized I was making myself feel sick and anxious, especially post break up. 

I asked my "ex" to block me on social media, their phone and on email. Kooky? Yes, but I knew it was hard for me not to poke around. Case in point - today, while I was updating my LinkedIn I noticed a certain position from a certain company had been on my page in invisible mode. I only know one person in this field from this company and he is my "ex". This poked my stalker brain to open one of his social media pages that he had blocked me on months ago and BAM - guess who is no longer blocked? This girl! 

One second of staring before I closed the page and felt...curious. I didn't have a meltdown. I am not sad or anxious or dying to reach out and reconnect. I am simply wondering why? 

The curiosity is gone, the cat lives on. 

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