Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Doll Parts

Have you ever felt like a shiny new doll? They are so excited when they first get you. They play with you all the time; brush your hair, change your clothes, cuddle and sleep with you at night. Then one day they get a new doll. They place you on the shelf with all the other previous toys and move on. You gather dust, your hair becomes matted, your clothing starts to fade. Cracks begin on your porcelain face and hands. You become invisible. Something once dearly loved but now forgotten. 

But you never forget what it felt like to be adored. The thrill of the attention. The look on their face when they first see you. How they made you feel like the most special and unique thing they have ever held. 

It's all pretend my friends. Until you take yourself off the shelf, then things get real.

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