Monday, April 24, 2017

Strange Mercy

A few days downtime. Been a little rough since I made contact with my ex (brief and kind) which lead to a bit of a reclusive weekend. I know my triggers and try to avoid them but occasionally I fall down.

I am considering a KIT booster. It has been over a month since my 6th infusion and, while I still feel above water, I don't want to sink. My advocate maintains monthly treatments and it seems as though that helps keep her life balanced. I have read that many people do monthly infusions for the first three to six months post initial treatment and then move on to once a quarter or so. Some never top off and others keep a regular schedule. I am willing to test the waters on what will work best for me; it might be once a month, it might be less. As long as I continue to move forward I will do whatever it takes. 

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